Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tea or Coffee?

One of the few questions I asked the first I landed in Ghana is, what do people drink, Tea or Coffee?

Our social sponsor told me that people drink both.

It turned out that the answer is None.

It indeed is surprising and hard to believe, considering the past European influence, especially British one before the 1957 independence. However, I have yet to find a restaurant (except Chinese restaurants where you have to ask for Chinese tea) that offers tea.

Coffee seems to have expanded meaning of cafe, since there is a coffee shop nearby, and I had thought about going. Then I was informed that the coffee does not serve coffee, they serve meals.

I think I am on a quest to find the tea drinking or coffee drinking culture here, it may take some time, but it could be rewarding to learn more about a different culture, especially it is directly related to my favorite topics: Foods and Drinks.

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