Friday, October 2, 2009

Rio de Janeiro Wins, My Memory of Beijing Bid 16 Years Ago

I can only image how emotional people are when the IOC president announced the name, Rio!

Sixteen years ago in Xi'an, around the same time in 1993, the day when I got up at 3am along with many many coworkers, and we were all standing outside amid early morning chill and watching anxiously the only TV set available for the whole work unit, many of us were young and feeling strong about the Beijing's bid to host the 2000 Olympic games.

Finally the moment came, the president opened the exactly same envelop, I remember clearly the envelop because they all had the five ring mark. I held my breath, and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I had to look around to ease the breathlessness, and found that my colleagues, young in their 20s, many fresh out of schools and went through the 1989 Tiananmen student pro-democracy movement, looked just as tense as if they were ready to jump up and grape someone in their throats.

All in a sudden, no one utter a single word.
Some of us even closed their eyes.
But all ears were on the mouth that uttered the simple words....

I announce the host city for the 2000 Olympics......(the envelop was opened)

The moment was unbearable long and enduring.



Everyone looked confused and in denial. We turned to each other, as if the opponent has a answer for the obvious question: How come for we put so much hope, it could be busted like a balloon?

Still in disbelieve, people disappread into the predawn darkness, all the excitment, anexity, wish went along with them.

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