Monday, October 12, 2009

Chinese to Topple Exxon Deal For Ghana Oil

Just days after a $4billion deal announced between oil giant Exxon Mobil and Kosmos, to explore newly found oil field off Ghana coast in Gulf of Guinea, a Chinese company CNOOC wants to overbid the deal, the same company had to withdrew a bid for U.S. oil company three years ago due to mounting political uproars from Washington. ( Ghana Business News)

Not only in Ghana, China is also pushing for resources in nearby Guinea, where a crashdown on anti-government rally had result in over 150 deaths and intense international condemation. (Finanal Times)

Fake or substandard drugs are not new and they are the rule here in Africa. Now former French president Chirac wants international attention to address the issue. (FT)

A bribery trial involving a UK company revealed a dark and corrupt past in Ghana. (AllAfrica)

Mobile phones are everywhere in African cities such as Accra, now they are increasingly popular in rural areas as well. (New York Times)

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