Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fight over Control

Who is more accurate, an African index researched by a foundation supported by a Sudanese born philanthropist or Harvard political science professor?

The NYT piece, titled contention over Rankings of African Nations, examined the two indexes of Africa's best and worst governed nation rankings, by Robert Rotberg and Mo Ibrahim, respectively. The article raises the question without answering it.

I am sensing there is another question, how deep a suspicion Africans have towards the west?

The people here are both formal and polite, even my 2 year old starts answering to parents with "Yes, Sir!" (I am not kidding).

The past colonial influence is ubiquitous, whether superficial or out of subconsciousness. However, a new African identity is not only growing and going strong, but proliferating among countries in the continent. Thanks to modern technologies such as mobile phone and Internet, especially the phones, Africa is the fastest growing market in the world.

Thus the core of the question lies in: who should has the final say?

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