Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Half Baked

Upon arriving in Ghana, the first thing you will notice besides potholes dotted roads and aggressively driving cho chos are half finished houses.

These houses can be together in a housing compound, like some huge mansions or villas, or they may be just some random living spaces, but they are all similarly half completed.

I heard that it is so expensive to build anything that is solid bricks or adobe with a real roof, instead of palm tree leaves, that people will build them over a period of time. It could be years, or even decades. In a good time, it may be shortened as more materials can be purchased with less time; when people have to tighten their own belts, the housing will be delayed and pushed aside.

Although it makes economic sense, I wonder how the final project will come out if it is build over a prolonged time, especially if any changes take place and inconsistency appears.

Are there better ways to bake the cake in one short?

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