Tuesday, December 29, 2009

U.S. Airliner Bombing Suspect Bought Ticket In Ghana

The suspected bomber of Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit bought his KLM ticket 10 days ago before he carried out the attack. On Dec. 16, he purchased the ticket from a sales office in Accra, the capital of Ghana. He is now facing charges in the U.S.

How bad is corruption in Africa? Ghanaian President John Atta Mills refused to accept Christmas gifts from people for fear that will be considered as bribery. Even such gift-giving customs, so called hampers, are common practice in Ghana. (ireportGhana News)

Could a execution of a Briton heroin carrier by China cause a Sino-UK relationship to sour? Both sides have no softening their tones and the emotional side of the story will certainly stir up a lot of black eyes towards China and its legal system in Britain. (Reuters)

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