Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Language Barrier

It seems everyone is talking about language barrier between Ghanaian and Chinese.

One director at the Ministry of Tourism here in Accra complained to me that the Chinese employers in Ghana are not hiring or training locals, due to language barrier.

Meanwhile, Economic councilor at the Chinese Embassy said the misunderstanding between the Chinese employers and their Ghanaian employees because of language barrier.

He urged Ghanaians to learn Chinese.

Considering 387 Chinese companies operating in Ghana, it could provide enough incentives for people who want to get ahead and improve marketability.

However, looking around, there are nowhere to see any advertisements for Chinese learning, while French, Spanish are abundant. A new Chinese language center, with the help of the Embassy, just established this year in the University of Ghana, the premier high education institute in Ghana.

The time will come for the barrier to eventually come down, and there will have many nascent language learners.

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