Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ghana views China favorably

According to a newly released BBC poll, China is viewed highly favorably among Ghanaian public.

The poll shows that 72 percent of surveyed view Beijing in a positive view, up by 9% from last year. Ghana is also ranked second, only next to another West African country, Nigeria which have 85% share favorable views of China. In general, Africans share the good impression of China, in East African nation Kenya, the poll find that 73% like China.

Beijing is certainly taking note of these positive views reflected in Africa, at a recent interview, Chinese diplomat Liu Guangyuan cited the data, saying that, whether China is good or bad to Africa, let Africans judge.

"I am not going to explain anything, because I know that actions speak louder than word and seeing is believing. It is for the African people to judge whether China is good or bad for them. "

Liu also recognized a lack of voices in Chinese engagement in Africa, he said, due to an introverted personality, Chinese are preferring doing rather than saying. "Of course, we should try to change a little bit in this aspect by improving our publicity and raising our voices. More support and understanding from our African friends are most needed and deeply appreciated, especially those from the African media friends. "

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