Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ghana Reaches Out To Bosai's Hometwon For Investment

If you are not a news junkie, Bosai may not be sounding familiar. However, as the historical loan agreement signed between China and Ghana, the Chinese company is getting more attention. Its name was mentioned by the Ghanaian Minster of Industry and Trade, Ms. Hanna Tetteh in her speech to the Parliament of Ghana in explaining the loan agreeement.

Bosai is the largest stakeholder, owns 80% of Ghana Bauxite Co.

Out of the largest loan agreement for Ghana, $3 billion will be developed as a joint venture by Bosai, Government of Ghana and China African Development Fund.

Now, Ghana government is also reaching to Bosai's backyard. The Chongqing based company brought the attention back to the largest Chinese city, created by combining several megacities.

According to Chinese media report, a delegation from Accra visited Chongqing looking for investment in Coco processing and Chololate making, (not that Chinese are known for), but also in hotels, agriculture, ICT, infrastrcture.

People in Chongqing is known for eatting spaces, Sichuan cuisine also enjoys popularity here in Accra. Maybe more Bosais will be emerging?

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