Friday, August 20, 2010

China Rises To World's No.2, What about Ghana?

The biggest news of the week is China decisively surpassed Japan and took over the No. 2 spot in global GDP ranking.

Many people have predicated long ago about the coming of the day, it has nevertheless generated a lot of media attention in the U.S. The NYT put out a feature on the news.

However, people in Beijing and elsewhere in China seem care less to none and official media even tried to play down it, New York Letter from China blog reports that Chinese Global Times said the GDP glory won't stop disasters hitting China and U.S. Congress's aggressiveness toward China.

How about reactions from Africa?

Ghana News Agency reported a story, which has attracted comments urging the continent to learn from China. In the case of Ghana, people need to "change attitudes" in order to move ahead, a reader commented.

On the same day, China also opens research center for Sino-African economic and trade co-operation in Beijing. The center "aims to provide a theoretical basis for the Chinese government’s Africa-related decision makings. It will also provide consultation services for companies with plans to expand their businesses to Africa".

“Japan is always strangely inward-looking,” he said. “And nobody is doing anything about it.” one analyst quoted in the article.

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