Friday, September 23, 2011

China, Zambia and Lollipops

Michael Sata, "the King Cobra" was announced to be the next Zambian President. He won over the incumbent Banda, who has been criticized for abusing national resources. The result could also has a complication to Sino-Zambia relations, as the Sata has been a strong critic about Chinese investment in the copper-rich African nation.

One of Sata's criticism is that Mr. Banda's party, Multi-Party for Democracy has received election funds from China. Beijing has denied any involvement. According to Shanghai Dongfang Daily story, the cited proof is that MPD has handed out made in China lollipops to supporters.

No amount, however, has surfaced to indicate exactly whether and how much of Chinese money has been used towards supporting Mr. Banda. And there is no disclosure of whether the money is from public coffers or private check books.

China has $1 billion investment in Zambia in 2010, and could invest $5 billion more in the near future, creating 15,000 jobs, said Dongfang Daily. However, only 10% of the fund has been used for agriculture, education and retailing, Beijing's critics said.

Mr. Sata's criticism has certainly angered Beijing in the last election when the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Li Baodong, in an unusual departure from diplomatic protocol, called a press conference at the embassy where he challenged Sata to clarify his position on Taiwan. According to one news report, the ambassador threatened, “We shall have nothing to do with Zambia if Sata wins the elections and goes ahead to recognize Taiwan”

Li also reportedly added that the Chinese would halt additional investments until the bilateral relationship between the two countries was clarified.

This time, Beijing has shown restrains, People Daily story quoted Ambassador Zhou Yuxiao saying no impact to the ties from the results. Although the uncertain factors will add risks, but the foundation will be there.

Whether impact or not, and where is the Beijing's limits to Sata's criticism if after being elected, he continues his usual vocals, will be unfolding shortly.

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